Its been quite some time that i updated the blog ,Initially it was the work at my internship and later being at home
This post is more of random events put together (just like a journal entry and nothing great, so even if there is remotely any thing else interesting , don't bother to read this post)
I never had looked for reopening of college any time during my school or days , its been like back to the place where i truly belong , the protective environment of TISS with good old friends (not so good when we meet on a day to day basis and i should say they are good as some of them do read the blog ;) ) .
There is not much action that happened in the last one week except for the fact that "SHE" (hehe..its nothing but Safety, Health and Environment ) is back to haunt yet another batch of Tissians
16 Brave souls dared to take "Advanced Compensation and Benefits " shortly and sweetly called ACB ( i know its gonna fill most of my days in 3rd sem) and we already recieved the first shock with 650 pages compendium.This time the deadlines for Mulla sir's assignments are sunday nights which essentially mean there are no weekends for the next 3 months
This season is the best one to be in Mumbai and rains already started , its time for some good trekking and hopefully we go for the traditional trek which we go at this time of the year
PPOs and PPIs started flowing and excitement is just begining in the class
Lastly, my long time dream of staying in the hostel did come true and i am fortunate to stay in one of the oldest hostels in TISS (i know its not cool for some , but not for me) and i stay in Hostel 3 Room no 017 ( the room with the best view in the entire campus, one have to be here to know about this :P)
Might be will get some thing interesting to post in the coming days :D